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 I’m grateful for those…

Who share sunrises with me, or send them-you renew in me a sense of hope

Who hike the trail with me-you help connect me to what is true

Who travel with me-to the store, on a trip, in a relationship, or on the journey of this lifetime-you help me experience the comfort of companionship

Who have been hurt by me-and hopefully forgiven me, you’ve humbled and softened me to be better

Who have been my teacher-you’ve expanded my perspective

Who have left me-in a business, a relationship, from this life-you remind me what matters to me, and what I need to care for tenderly

Who work with me-on houses, buildings, cabins, businesses and financial plans-you teach me teamwork and how to think wider

Who have interacted from a distance-on social media with a comment, as a stranger handing me your child to hold for a photo in India, as a reader of my book somewhere I”ve never been-you’ve shown me how connections matter

Who have left this life too early-you’ve shown me what equisite heartbreak is-and therefore, the true depth of love.

Who create books, businesses, homes or a family with me-you are helping me with my life-work

Who have learned from me-you’ve taught me some of life's’ greatest lessons

Who is walking this earth as my child-you’ve gifted me the experience of loving unconditionally and are giving my life meaning.

Who have stayed distant but present-you teach me how to open my heart to others

Who is an animal-pet-you’ve shown me what joy is and how to communicate with the heart

Who are argue and fight with me-you remind me to be passionate about what I care about

Who I call friend-you show me what loyalty and longevity really mean

Who are a part of All Kind Project-you exemplify how to live gently in this world

Who is my family-you remind me what I hold closest and dearest

Who is our planet-you show me what awe, beauty, and home is

Who I bow my head to-you reveal daily miracles and offer me something sacred to believe in

To all I’ve ver had the honor-you make life a beautiful journey to behold. 


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