This girl was the third born. The one who stayed behind when her sisters were dropped off at school and she was yet too young. Who hung out with me in the woods having warm peanut butter sandwiches and apple slices on a log when her sisters were learning to read.
She was the one who spent rainy weekends with me when her siblings went off to college. Who went away with me on spring breaks to warm beaches, and stayed home with me on snow days reading in front of the fireplace.
She is the one who held my dad’s hand as he was dying. Who held me close and held me up when another recently left this world.
Who went with me to pick up each of our pups.
The one who was by my side as our house was built, the cabin picked out, the mill fixed up.
She is steadfast. Gentle. Kind to her core.
She’s lifetimes wiser than me.
And she is the best friend anyone could ask for.
Our life was blessed 22 years ago when she brightened the world with her birth.
It has
been glittering because of her being, ever since.
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